Our Vision
We imagine a culturally diverse movement of courageous Changemaker Churches, each equipping people to be compassion-driven changemakers like Jesus.
We believe transforming churches and communities starts with individual changemakers.
What we’ve learned
“The project is fresh, urgently needed, and proven...So much depends on initiatives like [this], bringing hope not just to congregations, but to the community and to the world at large.” Brian McClaren, author and public theologian.
"The result will be more than lay people engaged in the work of the church; the church will be engaged in the work of the people. Church and people will be traveling companions." Daniel Pryfogle, Co-founder and CEO, Sympara
“The Changemaker Church Project is rooted in our tradition, but it is innovating beyond the boundaries of the current, institutionally entrenched expressions of leadership.” Greg Bergquist, General Secretary, GBHEM, United Methodist Church