Accelerating your ability to build meaningful relationships with young adults.
Is your story about young adult ministry lacking the young adults?
By actively engaging with young adults outside their congregations, on the issues that matter most to young adults, faith communities can foster a sense of belonging among young people and help build strong relationships within the communities they serve.
Where are the young adults? Why aren’t they in your church?
At Change the Story, we offer a fully- funded training program to enable faith communities to partner with young adults on projects that have a meaningful impact in their communities. This program provides an opportunity for strategic partnerships to be formed between faith communities and young adult leaders from different backgrounds.
Does your faith community feel like it's speaking a different language than young adults?
We provide a structured space that is built to empower members of your congregation to effectively communicate with young adults. We have designed our curriculum around our RISK framework – How to Realize the stories being told, Immerse ourselves in changing that narrative, Start creating new stories, and Keep it going in the future.
What is the story you tell each other about why young adults aren’t in church?
Because young adults’ faith lives are often formed and lived out beyond the walls of the church, the lack of intergenerational connections have skewed the perspectives of those within faith communities. It is our intention to provide these connections and enlighten those within a faith community a clearer more authentic understanding of young adults.