“The Changemaker Church Project is rooted in our tradition, but it is innovating beyond the boundaries of the current, institutionally entrenched expressions of leadership….(It) is generative projects such as this one that have the greatest hope of renewing congregations in this time of seismic change for...the world.”
-GREG BERGQUIST, General Secretary at General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, United Methodist Church
“This is the gift...in store for the churches who are privileged to take part in it. These congregations will see plenty of change in their communities as a result. The learning will be enormous. The impact will be significant. But the game-changing benefit...is reframing discipleship for the 21st century church.”
-KENDA CREASY DEAN, Mary D. Synnott Professor of Youth, Church and Culture, Princeton Theological Seminary; co-founder, Ministry Incubators
“The result will be more than lay people engaged in the work of the church; the church will be engaged in the work of the people. Church and people will be traveling companions. This is good news.”
-DANIEL PRYFOGLE, Co-Founder and CEO, Sympara