John 9:1-7


As a young mother of two preschoolers, we welcomed our third child, Kelly, into our world with great anticipation and trepidation.  Three children under the age of four?  Could things get any more difficult?

Yes.  As a matter of fact, they could.  Kelly was born with a metabolic disorder, couldn’t digest protein, and her kidneys didn’t work.  We struggled through the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons with multiple surgeries, ventilators, and medication.  We relocated to my parents’ home to be closer to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We sang Christmas carols to Kelly while we rocked her.  We cried.  We prayed.  More and more.

After over two months, our little warrior Kelly died.  I was crushed.  Bereft.  Unable to cope with her loss, much less resume the daily needs of our other children. 

About 10 days after her funeral, my pastor, Rev. Hudson, visited.  He asked how I was doing.  My brain seethed: Really?  Couldn’t he see?  The big question came pouring out: WHY?  Why did this happen?  What did we do?  Why?  

Rev. Hudson listened carefully.  Then he said “you know, Jesus was asked that very same question.  He had something good to say about it, but…”      he looked at his watch… “I have a committee meeting I must attend.  I’m sorry.  I must go.  We’ll talk again soon.”  And he left.

I was HOT!  How dare he come to MY house, to minister to MY needs, and then not even know what verse in the Bible would help ME?  (do you sense the ME here?) I would show him!  I picked up my Bible (Whew! Jesus said it, so I knew to start in the New Testament!) and began reading:   Matthew.   Then Mark.  Then Luke.

And finally, John. 

My pastor, in compassion and understanding who I was, knew he couldn’t just tell me.  I wouldn’t listen, I couldn’t pay attention right then – but he knew if I would cooperate with God, I would find the answer.

And here, in these words, Jesus answered his disciples, and me, and hopefully you too:

Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.  As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me.  Night is coming, when no one can work.  While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus: Open my eyes, that I may see God’s light and trust, that it may be displayed in my life, brightening others in their walk with you.  Amen. 

PROMPT: How does this story help me to see something in my life with new eyes?

Nancy Dickson, NC4 Comments