Luke 10:25-37

Who is your neighbor?

In this parable, Jesus refuses to define who a neighbor is.  Instead, he asks a question proving something greater than outright answering the question.  Being a neighbor is not just limited to family or friends, but everyone around you.

The Good Samaritan didn’t have any supplies or medical knowledge yet he took the time out of his busy schedule to help this man who was left for dead, he didn’t make excuses that he was too busy or didn’t have resources to help.  He went out of his way to show real compassion to help a fellow man in need.  He used his own resources and didn’t complain.  

The man who was beaten and left for dead was then and is now a realistic scenario even in today’s world.  People are being beaten, robbed or even worse every day.  If you were to pass someone who was in this situation, what would you do?  Would you pass him by because you don’t recognize him or would you show compassion as the Good Samaritan did and help him out regardless?  

Loving God is not just in your words but also your actions.  Because to love God with all our hearts is to be devoted to him in every way.  To surrender to him, to trust him, to humble ourselves before him and follow him and to worship him, THAT really is the essence of faith in God.  It is not enough to just go to worship on Sundays and listen to his word and then not put the Lord at the very center of your life with all your heart and soul every day.  We are called to show compassion to our neighbors even if it is someone we don’t like, someone who annoys us or someone who doesn’t deserve such help and compassion.  Treat your neighbor like you want to be treated.  Put yourself in that man’s shoes, would you want someone to see you in need of help and just pass you by?  Every day we have the opportunity to show love and compassion for our neighbors, but few choose to do so.  We should show love to others as Jesus showed love to us when he died on the cross for us.

Spending time with God each day in prayer allows us to love the Lord with all our heart and mind and guides us in our ways of being that true neighbor.

PRAYER: Lord, help us find the compassion to be a good Samaritan and always show love and kindness toward our fellow neighbor.  Amen

PROMPT: What are some ways I can show God’s love and compassion to those around me?

Jackie Gilson, NC2 Comments